Appointment Details

Thanks for scheduling an appointment. Can you tell me a little about what you need the appointment for, please?

Sorry, yes I know you’ve already entered this info. Thanks for your patience!

    ^ please hit SEND!


    Invoicing: When the work is complete, you will be sent an invoice detailing the work done and the final cost. The email will include a link to make an appointment for collection.

    All invoices are to be made out to the owner of the instrument, the owner’s guardian or the person collecting the instrument, and must be paid in full on or before collection. Third parties (eg. churches, schools, employers) cannot be invoiced.

    Payments can be made online using the banking information shown on the invoice, or in person with cash or debit card.

    Collecting Your Instrument: You will be contacted by telephone, text or email when your instruments is ready for collection. Please make another appointment to collect, or get in touch to make arrangements.

    Please let me know if you cannot collect your instrument for whatever reason. If I don’t hear from you, I will do my best to get in touch to arrange collection. Instruments left over 60 days without making arrangements to collect may be sold and the invoice total deducted from the sale price before the remainder is forwarded to you.